Lord of the Rings - About Us
Pat Yau

Pat Yau

Pat is a DJ and aspiring web developer. In his spare time he enjoys basketball, reading and hanging out with his dog Russell.

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Gina Lee Gossett

Gina Lee Gossett

Gina is a graduate of the University of Washington (no need to say what year) and has a background in marketing. She loves learning about JavaScript and CSS, struggling with not making everything in HTML inline or in tables, and endlessly bothering TAs. She also enjoys traveling the world and holding bears from different continents.

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Robert Hill

Robert Hill

Robert enjoys long walks in the woods, warm fires and running from orcs. He used to get paid to stab people and shove chucks of metal in them. Now he prefers to stare at endless lines of code and bang his head against the wall.

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Robin Stringer

Robin Stringer

Robin’s quest led him from a northwest England shire to the Pacific Northwest. He loves natural and programing languages, running and strong coffee.

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